
Saturday, August 31, 2013

~Our First Love~

What is your first love?

 Is it your husband, wife, children, grandchildren? Is it your hobby, your job, your pets, or your friends and family? God has blessed us with so many "loves" on this Earth. He is such a good God! We have so many people, places and things to love. Thank you Lord for that. At the same time, while we should surely enjoy these loves in our life, God sends a gentle nudge to remind us to not make them , none of them, our first love.  

 In His holy word, God tells us that we are not to have any other "gods" above Him. No idols.  These "gods" come in many forms. It could be a thing that we actually worship/love or a person , job, etc. Please know, God sets these "rules" or boundaries for us to protect us. To keep us safe and to keep us focused on Him. When we take our focus off of Him, that is when life gets difficult and He knows what is best for us. He set up these "guidelines" for our own good! 

God desires to be our first love. Enjoying the many other "loves" all around us, while keeping him front and center, at the top. 

So, I encourage you today to take some time to reflect with me. Are there other loves competing for first place? Some questions you can ask yourself. 

*What do I spend most of my time thinking about? 
*What do I spend majority of my time doing? (we all work, or have children  or busy lives and commitments and that is ok! That is normal. Do we love those things or people more then we give more time/devotion to those people/things then we give to God?)
*Do I ask God before I do something? (job interview, hard conversation with someone, etc) 
*Am I  taking issues/concerns/worries/fears to Him as it comes my way? 
*Am I carrying God with me throughout my day? (walking with him side by side through life)
*Do I talk/converse through prayer with I would a dear close friend?

These are just some questions to ask to get us thinking about how we can better make our Lord our first love. This may not come easy at first. Ask God for help in making him your first love...He is faithful and  will help you! It takes time and practice like most things do. It takes 21 days to form a new habit. So give yourself at least 21 days to learn how to walk closer with God and make Him your first love. 

Don't be hard on yourself  if you get to  the end of your day and you didn't think about God much.  He knows your heart. He knows your intentions and your love for Him. I am learning this along with you.  I "try" to remember every day to lay down my day to  Him and my life and make Him my first love.   As I reflect on my own life,  I can see that at times it is my husband, other times my children that are taking place of God. 

You can pray this prayer if it is helpful.

"Lord, please search my  heart.  Reveal to me any little "g" gods in my life that are competing for first place over you.  Help me to love the people in my life the way you want me too, while keeping you first. Help me balance the many activities in my life, while keeping you first.  I long only for you to be my first love. Please help me to love you most every day. Thank you Lord! Amen" 

 No one is perfect on this journey, and God knows that. He see's our hearts and our intentions. Don't get frustrated and give up if you get to the end of the week and you realize God was not first. He is a God of many many many chances! He will help you, don't give up, keep trying. Before you know it, God will truly be your first love! 
Please share/comment on how you were able to make changes so that God is your first love, you could help someone else!
In Christ's Amazing Love,

Friday, August 30, 2013

~Encourage One Another~

The Lord tells us in His Word, we are to "Encourage one another and build each other up" 1 Thess. 5:11.
This is one of my favorite verses in the bible. It has become a family favorite as well , with the kids repeating it often. I'm thankful for that. With the daily stresses of life, we need sweet reminders like this to encourage, help each other,  and lift each other up in tough times. We can do this by sharing scripture with one another, send an encouraging card in the mail, an up lifting email or message via social media. That is the great thing about social media and the internet, it is so very easy to encourage each other with a quick message. Sometimes all that is needed is a hug, a smile, a pat on the back. A simple "I hear you" and "I am here FOR you". Thoughtfulness goes a long way! When we are facing a tough time, we need our encouraging friends and family to get through those times. We need God's word to guide us and light our path. I am discouraged when I hear stories of someone facing a tough time and people who are possibly well meaning, however they belittle them, put them down, tear them down with words and actions...this doesn't encourage the person and build them up, rather discourages them and makes them feel down. It can push a person away. A person who is constantly put down probably will begin to believe they are worthless and unworthy.  And just the same, a person who is encouraged and built up will believe those things. What makes my heart rejoice is the fact that our God loves us so much , he put this verse in the bible for us. He obviously is serious about us encouraging and lifting each other up! He doesn't want us to tear down or belittle. He doesn't want us to make others feel bad. If you know someone going through a tough time in life, but they are making changes, no matter how small...they are making progress....encourage them and build them up. If your child makes a good choice - when they typically do not - jump on that opportunity to encourage them and lift them up.  We aren't perfect and we will at times fail to encourage and build up...but I challenge us (me included) to find ways we can be better at encouraging and building people up with our words and actions. How will you do this? Please share!
This topic makes me think about two more topics I would like to write about soon "Speaking The Truth In Love" and "The Power of Our Words".  These go along with encouraging one another.
Thanks so much...and God Bless you as you "Encourage one another and build each other up!"
In Christ,


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Thanks for visiting Abundant Life!.  Here you will find my personal thoughts on faith & health...and how to put both together to live an Abundant Life! Please feel free to share and comment.
~God Bless!~